My Xcode iOS project is kind of broken I think.When I create a new file in my group,the file's location is somewhat different from other Xcode iOS project.For example,when I create a Cocoa Touch Class called EEViewController
,you can find its location is too long in the Identity and Type
of the File inspector
But when I right click the file and click Show In Finder
,drag the file to the desktop and drag it back the its original group.The location's patch seems to be okay.(It can finally be referenced in Storyboard custom class)
I think it is has something to do with my Xcode configuration,but I just can't figured it out.Hope someone can help me.
To my understanding, ../../../benson/OneHome/OneHome/EEViewController.swift
is relatively the same as just EEViewController.swift
in your case as it's based on the location related to the group.
means go up 1 level in the path, up 3 level then dive in 3 makes it the same path.
I think the issue here is the case of your home dir. In the second screenshot it shows "Benson" and the first shows "benson". OS X is a case sensitive file system, that might be a problem for Xcode.