I am trying to write a python script so that I can find all sub_directories
called 'something'
within a parent directory.Then I would like to rename the sub directories
and move them somewhere else. So far I have my code as:
import os, shutil,fnmatch
match = {}
for root, dirnames, filenames in os.walk('test'):
#print root
#print dirnames
#print filenames
for i in fnmatch.filter(dirnames,'find'):
#print os.path.join(root,dirnames[0])
print root
call match gives me something like {'test\a': 'find'......}
. I would like to modify the key value of the dictionary so that it looks like {'a':'find'...
so essentially I am trying to get rid of the name of the parent directory. I thought about converting to string and use split but seems to be not so efficient.
To get the dirname
without the parent
directory name, use os.path.basename
, this way:
>>> dirname = 'C:\\Users\\myUsers\\Videos'
>>> os.path.basename(dirname)
EDIT: in response to OP comments,
dirname = 'C:\\Users\\myUsers\\Videos'
And you want to get new folder name as myUsers_Videos
, here is one way:
>>> os.path.basename('_'.join(os.path.split(dirname)))