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No Such Module 'Parse'/'Bolts'

I am trying to import Parse and Bolts frameworks, but the Xcode is unable to build the project. I tried following ways, but nothing seems to work out :

  1. Creating groups, and copying the folder.
  2. Cleaning the project and Deleting the derived data.
  3. Importing the frameworks into the project and create references.

I am using Xcode 7.0 beta (swift 2.0). Screenshot of the same is attached.

enter image description here

Cheers and thanks in advance!![


  • I had the same error and I wrote in the support of the parse and they answered me that they would update for the swift 2 when Xcode 7 will get out from a beta version.

    Them answer "We plan to support Swift 2 and Xcode 7 by the time they go out of beta. Currently, there's only one initial beta release of Xcode and iOS 9, and typically a lot of things change before Beta 3 or 4 is released. We'll be keeping a close eye on things and do a release once things settled down. We're tracking any issues reported around Swift 2 and Xcode 7: please file a bug!".