i want to know how create a query such as this in redbeanphp:
select concat(first_name,' ',last_name) AS fullname from person;
i know redbean has a bindFunc Method but i do not know how to do this and this topic was not cover in redbean Documentation .
I would not use the bindFunc functions, they are not meant for these kind of things. I recommend to use a FUSE model.
Just add a class named Model_Person (extends SimpleModel) docs: http://www.redbeanphp.com/models Now add a method called getDisplayName() or something, inside this method you do something like:
public function getDisplayName() { return $this->bean->firstName . ' ' . $this->bean->lastName; }
Now you can do this:
$person = R::load('person', $id); echo $person->getDisplayName();
and it will show the full name...
Hope this helps, cheers Gabor