I have questions.
I want to create MS word file with Java.
I can make simple word file.
but I don't know how to do the coding to create a word with complex shapes.
Using the xml code, in my opinion it seems to be able to make.
How to use raw xml code with docx4j?
I have used below code style. but it's too hard
static String tblXML = "<w:tbl xmlns:w=\"http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/wordprocessingml/2006/main\" " +
"xmlns:v=\"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml\" " +
"xmlns:wp=\"http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/drawingml/2006/wordprocessingDrawing\" " +
+"<w:tblStyle w:val=\"a5\" />"
+"<w:tblW w:w=\"0\" w:type=\"auto\" />"
+"<w:tblLook w:val=\"04A0\" w:firstRow=\"1\" w:lastRow=\"0\" w:firstColumn=\"1\" w:lastColumn=\"0\" w:noHBand=\"0\" w:noVBand=\"1\" />"
+"<w:gridCol w:w=\"9224\" />"
+"<w:tr w:rsidR=\"00F327EA\" w:rsidTr=\"0047463F\">"
+"<w:trHeight w:val=\"1912\" />"
+"<w:tcW w:w=\"9224\" w:type=\"dxa\" />"
+"<w:p w:rsidR=\"00F327EA\" w:rsidRDefault=\"00F327EA\" w:rsidP=\"0047463F\">"
+"<w:t xml:space=\"preserve\">Plan No. </w:t>"
+"<w:p w:rsidR=\"00F327EA\" w:rsidRDefault=\"00F327EA\" w:rsidP=\"0047463F\">"
+"<w:t xml:space=\"preserve\">Inspection Type Special , Regular , Specially assigned inspector , , , </w:t>"
+"<w:p w:rsidR=\"00F327EA\" w:rsidRDefault=\"00F327EA\" w:rsidP=\"0047463F\">"
+"<w:t>Planning Period 2015</w:t>"
+"<w:softHyphen />"
+"<w:softHyphen />"
+"<w:t>17 ~ 2015</w:t>"
+"<w:softHyphen />"
+"<w:softHyphen />"
+"<w:t xml:space=\"preserve\">18 </w:t>"
+"<w:p w:rsidR=\"00F327EA\" w:rsidRDefault=\"00F327EA\" w:rsidP=\"0047463F\">"
+"<w:t xml:space=\"preserve\">Individual Target Aerodrome (AD), Major International Airport, </w:t>"
+"<w:proofErr w:type=\"spellStart\" />"
+"<w:proofErr w:type=\"spellEnd\" />"
+"<w:t xml:space=\"preserve\"> </w:t>"
+"<w:p w:rsidR=\"00F327EA\" w:rsidRDefault=\"00F327EA\" w:rsidP=\"0047463F\">"
+"<w:t xml:space=\"preserve\">Inspector Primary: </w:t>"
+"<w:proofErr w:type=\"spellStart\" />"
+"<w:proofErr w:type=\"spellEnd\" />"
+"<w:t xml:space=\"preserve\"> </w:t>"
+"<w:p w:rsidR=\"00F327EA\" w:rsidRDefault=\"00F327EA\" w:rsidP=\"0047463F\">"
+"<w:ind w:firstLineChars=\"850\" w:firstLine=\"1700\" />"
+"<w:proofErr w:type=\"spellStart\" />"
+"<w:proofErr w:type=\"spellEnd\" />"
You can unmarshal a string like that easily enough.
The easiest way to create more complex code is to use the docx4j code generator. You feed it a sample docx, and it generates suitable code (take your pick between String form, and using the JAXB API).
The code generator is available online, or as a Word Add-In.