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get report of all open explorer windows

I want to get a report of all open explorer windows titles and current paths. The current paths part of this is problem is answered here with C#, but I want this for powershell and am not sure how to adapt it. I am not sure how to bring out the window titles part of it.

Could someone please assist.


  • Sounds to me like you're looking for something like this:

    $app = New-Object -COM 'Shell.Application'
    $app.Windows() | Select-Object LocationURL

    AFAICS the window objects don't have a title property, but you can get that information from Get-Process via the window handle ID:

    function Get-WindowTitle($handle) {
      Get-Process |
        Where-Object { $_.MainWindowHandle -eq $handle } |
        Select-Object -Expand MainWindowTitle
    $app = New-Object -COM 'Shell.Application'
    $app.Windows() |
      Select-Object LocationURL, @{n='Title';e={Get-WindowTitle $_.HWND}}