Im getting started Meteor , I use iron router to manipulate route.. so I want to pass a variable to template:
Router.route('/foo', function(){
this.render('foo', {name: 'Stack'});
how i can show the variable name
in the template foo:
<template name="foo">
<h2>Hi bro, how i can show the variable name here ?? </h2>
my project folder as the following structure:
<template name="layout">
{{> yield}}
any solutions please :)
In your routing:
Router.route('/foo', function(){
this.render('foo', {data: {name: 'Stack'}});
In your template
<template name="foo">
<h2>Hi bro, how i can show the variable name here ?? </h2>
<p>Like this --> {{name}}</p>
You can pull variables from the route too:
Router.route('/foo/:someName', function(){
this.render('foo', {data: {name: this.params.someName}});
See Iron Router docs for more info