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XPath to select nodes in different namespaces

I need some help with coming up with a proper XPath expression to extract values out of the XML.

I can get the values using jaxb however I need xpath because I have a decision table kind of mapping rules that I want to externalise, which if I use jaxb will result in lot of nested if/else statements that I want to avoid and hence the need for xpath approach.

I have an xml file that is constructed off at least 4 schemas. I mean the root schema has an element at a particular point that says xs:any and at this location a xml based off a different schema is injected and this in turn has a similar xs:any where another xml is injected to build the final/actual xml that i work with.

This is the actual XML structure that I'm dealing with (I have intentionally modified the values).The two Document nodes in the xml below are based off different schemas

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<env:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:env="CDTS-SUBMIT">
      <AppHdr xmlns="urn:iso:std:iso:20022:tech:xsd:head.001.001.01" xmlns:xsi="">
              <BICFI>ABC   </BICFI>
      <Document xmlns="urn:swift:xsd:seev.031.002.05" xmlns:xsi="">
                    <Amt Ccy="USD">21.17125</Amt>
                    <Amt Ccy="USD">25</Amt>
              <AddtlInf> adfafadfasdfasdfasdfsdafadfdsafdf</AddtlInf>
              <Nm>Not Available</Nm>
              <Document xmlns="urn:swift:xsd:supl.001.001.05" xmlns:xsi="">
                        <PricVal Ccy="USD">25</PricVal>

I have no problems extracting the first few elements like /env:Envelope/env:Body/cdtBusinessData

the cdtBusinessData is the element in the main schema that takes a xs:any .The schema snippet is as follows

                <xs:element name="cdtBusinessData" form="unqualified">
                            <xs:any minOccurs="0"/>

Precisely from this point on my xpath queries don't work the way I expect them to.

i.e when I try /env:Envelope/env:Body/cdtBusinessData/Document then it doesn't identify it to be a proper path on jxpath. On different tools that provide a xpath(like xpather/firepath/XpathBuilder) for a selected node I get different values,none of which are accepted by xpath.

Could you please help me in understanding how I can go about extracting values from the two embedded nodes in the above xml.

I have struggled with this for quite sometime now and finally reaching out for help here. Would appreciate if you can help me to correct this path //env:Envelope/env:Body/cdtBusinessData/Document


This is what I came up with based on your suggestions.I'm using jxpath 1.3. What am I doing wrong here ? I have comments inline next to the sysouts to indicate what I get

package com.testbed;


import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;

import org.apache.commons.jxpath.JXPathContext;


public class TestJXPathApproach {

    public static void main(String a[]) throws Exception {              
        String xmlMsg = FileUtils.readFileContents("C:\\dtcc-stuff\\SR\\1.xml");
        //xmlMsg = StringUtils.remove(xmlMsg, "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>");
        TestJXPathApproach myTest = new TestJXPathApproach();

    private void testJxPathExpressions(String xmlMsg) {
        org.w3c.dom.Document doc = null;
        try {
            DocumentBuilder builder = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance().newDocumentBuilder();
            ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(xmlMsg.getBytes("UTF8"));
            doc = builder.parse(bais);
            JXPathContext context = JXPathContext.newContext(doc);
            context.registerNamespace("d", "urn:swift:xsd:seev.031.002.05");
            context.registerNamespace("dd", "urn:swift:xsd:supl.001.001.05");

            String cdtddTrackingNumVal = (String)context.getValue("/env:Envelope/env:Body/cdtDataDescription/cdtddTrackingNum");
            System.out.println("cdtddTrackingNumVal : "+cdtddTrackingNumVal); // prints the value correctly

            String cdVal = (String)context.getValue("/env:Envelope/env:Body/cdtBusinessData/d:Document/CorpActnNtfctn/CorpActnGnlInf/EvtTp/Cd");
            System.out.println("cdVal : "+cdVal);// prints null with namespace mappping specified

            cdVal = (String)context.getValue("/env:Envelope/env:Body/cdtBusinessData/Document/CorpActnNtfctn/CorpActnGnlInf/EvtTp/Cd");
            System.out.println("cdVal : "+cdVal);// prints null with no namespace mapping 

            cdVal = (String)context.getValue("/env:Envelope/env:Body/cdtBusinessData/*:Document/CorpActnNtfctn/CorpActnGnlInf/EvtTp/Cd");
            System.out.println("cdVal : "+cdVal);// prints null with wildcard namespace mapping 

            Object nodeObj  = context.selectSingleNode("/env:Envelope/env:Body/cdtBusinessData/d:Document/CorpActnNtfctn");
            System.out.println("nodeObj : "+nodeObj);// prints null

        }catch(Exception e) {



  • Use a namespace wildcard for Document, if you want to be able to select either one:


    ...or, to get both documents in one query:


    See a full XQuery document which you can run yourself to see this working at

    Versions of the above compatible with XPath 1.0 (many thanks to @kjhughes):



    //*[local-name() = 'Document']