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NotesViewEntry different columns than notesviewcolum

I am writing an export to excel from any view. There are many samples available and works on "normal views". As soon as I have a view with a column with a static value it gets skipped.

I have a view with 4 columns, 1,3 and 4 are linked to fields on the document and column 2 are only a numeric 2.(I have tried "2" and 2) (This is a test view)

C1 | V2 | C3 | C4 columns

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 values

'This gets all 4 column names

ForAll n In view.Columns

        cNames(columnTotal) = n.title

        columnTotal = columnTotal + 1   

End ForAll


'cName(0) = "C1"

'cName(0) = "V2"

'cName(0) = "C3"

'cName(0) = "C4"

'This gets only 3 column values

Set nav = view.createviewnav

Set entry = nav.Getfirst()

While Not entry Is Nothing

    ForAll c In view.Columns

        readvalue = entry.Columnvalues(columncounter-1)

    End ForAll



'entry.columnvalues(0) = "1"

'entry.columnvalues(1) = "3"

'entry.columnvalues(2) = "4"

I can't post a screenshot, this is my 1st posting, but it shows that the entry.columnvalues contains 3 values but the parent.columns(Notesviewcolumn()) of the entry shows 4 column names ...

How can I read all the values displayed in a view, including values that does not exist on the underlying document ?

Thank you.


  • Documentation tells for entry.ColumnValues

    A column value is not returned if it is determined by:

    • A formula containing a UI-only function such as @IsExpandable or @DocNumber.
    • A constant.

    According to a blog from Dmytro Pastovenskyi you can use ColumnValuesIndex though to recognize if a column is a constant or a formula containing a UI-only function.

    Export only columns which have a ColumnValuesIndex >= 0:

    ForAll n In view.Columns
        If n.ColumnValuesIndex >= 0 Then
            cNames(columnTotal) = n.title
            columnTotal = columnTotal + 1   
        End If    
    End ForAll