I have the following dictionary:
Dictionary<string, PropertyInfo> filterProperties;
The content of this dictionary can be like this:
- "Language": [QueryData.Lang],
- "Id": [Querydata.UserId]
Each string key maps to a property of a my QueryData
Now let's suppose I have the following QueryData
QueryData: { Lang= "en", UserId = "mcicero" }
Using the previous dictionary as example, I want to build the following expression:
e => e.Language == "en" && e.Id == "mcicero";
As you can see the dictionary keys are used for accesing the properties of e
, and the dictionary values (QueryData properties) are used for specifying constants in the binary equal expressions.
is of type Entity
, and is guaranteed to have this properties.
The resulting expression should be of type Expression<Func<Entity, bool>>
How can I build this expression using recursion?
I say recursion because it sounds like a natural solution, but an iterative one would be preferred.
I tried the iterative alternative and ended up with an ugly and not so understandable code.
However, I am having trouble creating a recursion method for this problem.
Leaving the creation of the individual expression to you, simply combine them together in an iterative loop:
// For an IEnumerable<Expression> in "expressions"
Expression left = null;
foreach(var right in expressions)
if(left == null)
left = right;
left = Expression.And(left, right);
// Combined expression is in "left"
// Don't forget it will be null if there were no expressions provided...
Or in one line with LINQ:
var expr = expressions.Aggregate(Expression.And);