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RPM: returning values from included RPM macro

This is a follow-up question to RPM: loading bash script in %pre scriptlet.

I am trying to define some utility functions as macros, so later I can %include them when building other RPM packages too. Let's say I want to have a function testfunc() which I want use to check if something is present on the target system. If the condition is unmet, I want to break the execution of my RPM %pre scriptlet.

Things I've tried:

Defining a bash function in the macro


%define importfunction() (testfunc() { echo "Cancelling installation!" ; exit 1 ; })


%include SPECS/common.spec




RPM install output

testfunc: command not found

Exiting directly from macro


%define testfunc() (echo "Cancelling installation!" ; exit 1)


%include SPECS/common.spec



echo "Installation still running :("

RPM install output

Cancelling installation!

Installation still running :(

The problem is that the %pre scriptlet is not exiting in this case.


  • How can I break the execution of %pre from my macro?
  • Is it possible to return a value from the macro and store them in a variable during %pre?


  • Stop wrapping the macro body in ().

    That's spawning a sub-shell and preventing the function from being seen in the first case and preventing the exit from exiting the %pre scriptlet itself in the second case.