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Wordpress/PHP - load stylesheet when URL parameter is present

Hoping to find a way to make a Wordpress site load a stylesheet only when a URL parameter is present. For example when is loaded, it will use whatever stylesheets are in use by the theme. But if a specific URL parameter is used, an additional stylesheet will be called. Example In this case, an additional stylesheet is loaded AFTER the theme stylsheets. This gives me an opportunity to override theme styles only when the URL parameter is used, and test style/laylout changes without effecting public viewing.

I assume a coding modification would be needed for header.php. The following is not working PHP syntax but gives you an idea of I'm looking for:

    $param = ($_GET["useAltCss"]);
    if($param == 'yes') {
        <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="custom.css" />
    } else {
        // Do nothing


Looks like my original code was close I just had to change line 4 from:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="custom.css" />


echo('<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="custom.css" />');

While this is working, im wondering if there is a more efficient way of doing this. If I navigate to a new page to test style changes, I have to manually add the URL parameter. It would be great if it somehow locked in the custom.css stylsheet... maybe using a cookie or session? I wonder how it could be toggled on/off. Thoughts?


  • If you're only using this for yourself then I think your method is fine... However - for anyone else stumbling upon this question - I want to emphasize that this is not doing things by the book. The second method suggested below is an ok solution, but the first should only be used for a very temporary situation (opening a session on each page load is likely unnecessary and will cause some performance degradation).

    Stylesheets also shouldn't be printed manually (ie. using <link[...]>), instead use wp_enqueue_style() in the wp_enqueue_scripts hook.

    Method 1

    To keep the "setting" instead of having to manually type it on every page load you can use a session like this:

    You need to open a session before headers are sent, so put this in wp-config.php:

    //Start the session if it isn't already

    The rest goes wherever you want your stylesheet (most likely in header.php):

    //Check if the parameter is set
    if (isset($_GET["useAltCss"])) {
        if($_GET["useAltCss"] === 'yes') {
            //Adjust the session
            $_SESSION['useAltCss'] = true;
        } else {
             * If set to anything other than "yes", assume it's being switched
             * off, and adjust the session
            $_SESSION['useAltCss'] = false;
    //Check if the session variable exists, and is currently true
    if (isset($_SESSION['useAltCss']) && $_SESSION['useAltCss'] === true) {
        //And print your stylesheet
        echo '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="custom.css" />';

    Method 2

    Another (simpler) option would be to simply check if the current user is logged in and has the capability to edit the theme (which I expect you do):

    if (current_user_can('edit_themes')) {
        echo '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="custom.css" />';

    ...this of course won't allow you to switch back and forth - except by logging in and out each time.