How can I cancel a form submission using GWT?
I need to validate the form and process some of the data before actually submitting it.
So far I did the following, the problem is that the form is submitted even if the SubmitEvent is cancelled.
form.addSubmitHandler( new SubmitHandler() {
public void onSubmit(SubmitEvent event) {
if(validate()) {
// i do some processing here
else event.cancel(); // submits anyway
Is this a GWT issue? How should I do?
edit: I just found out that if it was a Button that uses form.submit() on click, the submit event is cancelled. However if a SubmitButton is clicked, the event is not cancelled.
So I guess this is a browser behavior. Still, I need to find way...
edit: just found out that it does only happen in development mode, I feel silly not to have tried outside development mode before.
It's an issue that only happen in development mode
I have reported the issue: