How do I permanently add bower proxy to my system so I do not have to edit the .bowerrc file for every project and add
I have added the proxys to my OS with:
export HTTP_PROXY=http://<proxy_url>:<port>
export HTTPS_PROXY=http://<proxy_url>:<port>
But it seams bower does not get it. Thank you in advance for your response
Put the .bowerrc
file in your home folder (it will work on Windows as well).
Placement & Order
The config is obtained by merging multiple configurations by this order of importance:
- CLI arguments via --config
- Environment variables
- Local .bowerrc located in the current working directory
- All .bowerrc files upwards the directory tree
- .bowerrc file located in user’s home folder (~)
- .bowerrc file located in the global folder (/)
Example of CLI arguments:
- --config.endpoint-parser=
Example of valid environment variables:
- bower_endpoint_parser is evaluated as endpoint-parser
- bower_storage__cache is evaluated as storage.cache