My application will be translated into several languages.
I can include strings for the various supported language (, etc).
I also have some external files ( etc) that also need to be picked up in the same way, including fallback if not found.
Obviously, I can write a fairly simple function to enumerate the language extensions, from the selected language ( -> -> MyFile.txt), but wondered if any part of this mechanism is exposed by the .net framework, so I can re-use the existing convention.
There's nothing built in that I'm aware of but it's easy enough to construct once you're aware of the Parent
property of CultureInfo
public static class CultureInfoExtensions
public static IEnumerable<CultureInfo> WithParents(this CultureInfo culture)
while (true)
yield return culture;
if (culture.Parent == culture) yield break;
culture = culture.Parent;
And testing:
var test = new CultureInfo("fr-BE");
foreach(var culture in test.WithParents())
fr-BE fr
(The last line being the empty string)