I've been looking everywhere, I tried node-replay but with protractor but it won't work with selenium.
I've also tried vcr.js and sepia.
How do I go about setting up my tests for that they make the initial calls but store them as cassettes like vcr.
I've been setting up sepia to be used with protractor. It works now, here is what I did:
I assume you've already set up grunt-connect to run your protractor tests.
Then you'll need to wait for the event listening event from the connect configuration:
grunt.event.once('connect.test.listening', function)
And that's where you will configure sepia.
grunt.event.once('connect.test.listening', function(host, port) {
* Configure sepia here
var sepia = require('sepia').withSepiaServer();
// Use your custom configuration
verbose: true,
debug: true,
includeHeaderNames: false,
includeCookieNames: false
// I have some path/body content to filter configured in the vrc configuration
var bodyFilters = grunt.config('vcr.filters.body') || [];
var pathFilters = grunt.config('vcr.filters.path') || [];
var regexPath = function(string) {
var escapedString = string.replace(/[\-\[\]\/\{\}\(\)\*\+\?\.\\\^\$\|]/g, '\\$&');
return new RegExp(escapedString);
// Filter path
_.map(pathFilters, function(filter) {
url: regexPath(filter.path),
urlFilter: function(url) {
return url.replace(filter.pattern, filter.replacement);
// Filter body content
_.map(bodyFilters, function(filter) {
url: regexPath(filter.path),
bodyFilter: function(body) {
return body.replace(filter.pattern, filter.replacement);