I am currently running ngrock and a python app concurrently on a specific port to text my raspberry pi, and have it respond accordingly to my message via Twilio. Each time my raspberry pi boots up, or reboots, I need to manually start the services again with ./ngrok http 5000
and python /path/to/file/app.py
. To avoid that, I edited my cron jobs as follows, and wrote a script called startService.py
. However, it doesn't seem to be functioning properly, as I do not receive answers to texts after reboot. Any ideas?
# m h dom mon dow command
*/5 * * * * python /rasp/system/systemCheck.py
@reboot python /Rasp/system/twilio/startService.py &
import os
os.system('/./ngrok http -subdomain=ABC123 5000')
os.system('python /Rasp/system/twilio/starter/app.py')
After multiple failed attempts I have seem to come up with a working system. I first had to authorize the root
user to use my ngrok account by doing the following:
sudo su
./ngrok authtoken {{Insert Your Auth Token Here}}
Then, I created ngrokLauncher.sh and appLauncher.sh as shown.
# launcher.sh
cd /
./ngrok http -subdomain={{My Reserved Subdomain}} 5000 &
cd /
# launcher.sh
cd /Storage/system/twilio/starter
python app.py &
cd /
Then, I modified the file permissions so they would be able to be run on startup sudo chmod 755 ngrokLauncher.sh && sudo chmod 755 appLauncher.sh
. Lastly, I edited the Cron Jobs as follows:
# m h dom mon dow command
*/5 * * * * python /SKYNET/system/systemCheck.py
@reboot sh /Storage/ngrokLauncher.sh >/Storage/logs/cronlog 2>&1
@reboot sh /Storage/appLauncher.sh >/Storage/logs/cronlog 2>&1
Then after running sudo reboot
, the system restarted and I received a response to my sms from the python app.