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Background problems with wikia css

The wiki that I admin has had no changes to its css in quite some time, but recently it seems to be that the page size is too small or something, as the transparent green background is appearing either side of the borders.

You can see this happening on the wiki here

Any assistance in how to cover or remove the green background would be appreciated!


  • As answer suggested by Emipro Technologies Pvt is some how fix your problem

    but i think real problem was originated from code below

    @media only screen and (max-width: 1595px) and (min-width: 1084px)
    .WikiaPage {
      padding: 0 20px; //remove this line or use padding in internal container
      width: 1024px;

    EDIT: padding make your internal division to shrink and your parent container will get control on that extra area

    i hope this may help you