In my application i use Infragistics controls. Sometimes everything works perfectly, but sometimes context menu is not closing if clicked anywhere else. Example: 1) Right click on item 2) Click somewhere outside context menu 3) Context menu should close, but sometimes it stays open, until you click an item inside it.
Any ideas why this is happening?
Some code, how contextual menu is created and added to grid.
Dim contextualMenu As PopupMenuTool = New PopupMenuTool(key)
contextualMenu.DropDownArrowStyle = Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.DropDownArrowStyle.SegmentedStateButton
AddHandler contextualMenu.BeforeToolDropdown, AddressOf Me.contextualMenu_BeforeToolDropdown
Dim deleteItem As ButtonTool = New ButtonTool("delete")
deleteItem.SharedProps.AppearancesSmall.Appearance.Image = ImagesResources.Delete
deleteItem.SharedProps.Caption = Captions.Delete
AddHandler deleteItem.ToolClick, AddressOf Me.DeleteClick
Dim closeItem As ButtonTool = New ButtonTool("close")
closeItem.SharedProps.AppearancesSmall.Appearance.Image = ImagesResources.Close
closeItem.SharedProps.Caption = Captions.Close
AddHandler closeItem.ToolClick, AddressOf Me.CloseClick
Me.SetcontextualMenu(Me.grid, key)
As per my comment above, give this function call a try after the visible and invisible call:
Private Sub MyDoEvents()
Dim CurrMsg As MSG
'The following loop extract all messages from the queue and dispatch them
'to the appropriate window.
Do While PeekMessage(CurrMsg, 0, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE) <> 0
TranslateMessage CurrMsg
DispatchMessage CurrMsg
End Sub
This will make sure the code gets executed within the cell click event.