I have some data on vaccines in my Sesame triplestore. To the same store, I added additional data about vaccines from DBpedia.
dbpedia2:routesOfAdministration "oral"@en
To specify that a particular vaccine in my native data is the same entity as the subject of the imported data from DBpedia, I inserted an owl:sameAs statement linking the two entities.
my_ns:Rota owl:sameAs <http://dbpedia.org/resource/Rotavirus_vaccine> .
Though that single triple has been added, I find no additional inferencing. For instance, I want this query to give me the route of administration of the vaccine in my native data by inferencing the property of the vaccine entity in DBpedia:
PREFIX : <http://dbpedia.org/resource/>
PREFIX dbpedia2: <http://dbpedia.org/property/>
PREFIX my_ns: <http://purl.org/net/ontology/my_ns/>
select ?roa where
{my_ns:Rota dbpedia2:routesOfAdministration ?roa}
At present, executing the query doesn't yield any results. I'd like the system to infer the following as the output of the query above:
my_ns:Rota dbpedia2:routesOfAdministration "oral"@en .
I installed GraphDB-Lite(OWLIM) by replacing the war files and verified that owl:sameAs works by executing a query on DBpedia.
Solved the problem. The issue was the absence of GraphDB-Lite (formerly OWLIM-Lite). I was under the impression I had it installed by replacing the .war files. However, the absence of OWLIM-Lite option in the drop down while creating a new repository indicated that it had not been installed.
When I initially checked wherether owl:sameAs queries were working, I used the SERVICE clause in SPARQL to query DBpedia. As I was querying DBpedia (that supports owl:sameAs), the queries were being executed as I was essentially querying outside Sesame.
I solved the problem by deleting the old .war files and their corresponding folders in Tomcat, and copying the .war files from GraphDB distribution. When running the server for the first time after copying the files, the corresponding folders (openrdf-sesame and openrdf-workbench) are auto-generated. While creating a repository, the OWLIM-Lite option is then available.
I created an OWLIM-Lite repository and added the triples there. The owl:sameAs inferencing then started working and the query in the question was successfully executed.