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Python plot Large matrix using matplotlib

I am trying to plot a matrix with 2000 columns and 200000 rows. I can test plot and test export the matrix figure fine when the matrix is small using


However, when more rows are added to my_matrix, the figure becomes very narrow as there are way more rows than columns, thus losing the precision when zooming in. Can I make matrix figure scrollable? If not, how can I visualize such matrix without losing precision?

I also tried to call savefig('filename', dpi=300) in order to save the image without losing too much precision, but it throws MemoryError when the matrix is big. Many thanks!


  • I ended up taking a combination of @tcaswell and @lesnikow's suggestions.

    Get current axes in order to set auto aspect ratio properly, I also split the matrix into smaller matrices:

        import matplotlib.pylab as plt
        for j in range(lower_bound_on_rows, upper_bound_on_rows): nums.append(j)
        partial_matrix = my_matrix[nums, :] 
        plt.matshow(partial_matrix, fignum=100)
        plt.savefig('filename.png', dpi=600)

    My matrix is long vertically, so I sliced by rows and preserved all columns in the smaller matrices. If your matrix is long horizontally, flip the index like this my_matrix[:, nums]