I have some integer variables and I want to find smallest one. When I use:
m1 = min(v1, v2, ...)
I get the value of the smallest one, not its name. I want to know which one is smallest, not know it's value! How should I do this?
If the index number will work, you could do this:
# enter variables
a = 1
b = 2
c = 3
# place variables in list
l = (a,b,c)
# get index of smallest item in list
X = l.index(min(l))
# to print the name of the variable
X, then, is the index number of the smallest variable (in this case, 0) and can be used as needed, or l[X] could be used to access the variable name.
(But don't use lower case "L" like I did, not usually considered good style 'cuz it can easily be mistaken for upper cas "i" or the number 1).