What pixel size should I draw images to be set on background for android wear watches?
My Moto 360 seems to have 240dp in hdpi. I would like to know about other watches.
Here is the image I posted in https://plus.google.com/+WaynePiekarski/posts/YXbZMLhEJ2L
This has the resolution, DPI, and densityDpi values for every Android Wear watch as of July 2015.
Using a 320x320 image for a watch face or activity background will work, but in the future you will need to deal with new screen sizes.
Note that for notification card backgrounds, the image needs to be actually 640x400 (for parallax) and 400x400 for no parallax. See the documentation for more details on this: https://developer.android.com/training/wearables/notifications/creating.html#AddWearableFeatures