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AngularJS: Refreshing service result

I have a service getting items by $http. In the controller I share this data with the view. It works, but when I delete or add new items by $http, I cannot get my list to stay up to date.

I created a refresh() function, that I call every time I add or delete an item, but the refresh applies only from time to time. And not on every action though the function is always duly called and executed.

How should I proceed to get my items refreshed on every action?


refresh = function() {
    itemsService.getItems().then(function(d) {
        $scope.items= d;


app.factory('itemsService', function($http) {

    var itemsService = {
        getItems: function() {
            return $http.get('items.json')
                    function (response) {

    return itemsService;

I have also read about $watch() and tried to make it work in this case, but it does not seem to make any difference:

$scope.$watch('itemsService.getItems()', function(d) {
    $scope.items = d;
}, true);


  • This might be what you are looking for Angular JS - listen or bind $http request

    You can just call your function when the request ends.

    You can use an interceptor to do this

    var httpinterceptor = function ($q, $location) {
    return {
        request: function (config) {
            //show your loading message
            return config;
        response: function (result) {
            //hide your loading message
            console.log('Repos:', result);
            return result;
        responseError: function (rejection) {
            //hide your loading message
            console.log('Failed with', rejection);
            return $q.reject(rejection);


    app.config(function ($httpProvider) {
