I'm using ptr_map for storing different types of pointers.
boost::ptr_map<string, any> someMap;
I store there some templated class objects:
someMap.insert("1", new SomeClass<int>());
someMap.insert("2", new SomeClass<float>());
Now I want to get values from map. Here is a sample with references:
template<typename T>
T &get(const string &someKey)
return any_cast<EventType&>(mSignalAssociation.at(signalName));
} catch(bad_any_cast &e)
// Logging here
get< SomeClass<int> >("1"); // This works
But I don't like references, because I can't return, for example, NULL if the casting is bad or the object doesn't exist.
How can I get pointer from this map?
T *get(const string &someKey)
return any_cast<EventType*>(mSignalAssociation.at(signalName));
This builds but fails at casting, why?
how about this:
T *get(const string &someKey)
return &any_cast<EventType&>(mSignalAssociation.at(signalName));
(Just a guess)