I'm writting a unit test and I'm mocking an an object (client) which has a _request method which expects an object and a callback function. The object param has a couple of properties with random values:
var clientMock = sandbox.mock(client); // client is defined up somewhere
method: 'POST',
form: {
commands: [{
type: "item_add",
temp_id: '???', // <== This is random value
uuid: '???', // <== Another random value
args: { ... }
}, sinon.match.func);
How can I set a test for that?
Or how can I ignore those specific properties and test the others?
method: 'POST',
form: {
commands: [{
type: "item_add",
temp_id: sinon.match.string, // As you probably passing String
uuid: sinon.match.string, // As you probably passing String
args: { ... }
}, sinon.match.func);
.withArgs(sinon.match(function(obj) {
var command = obj.form.commands[0];
return obj.method === 'POST'
&& command.type === 'item_add'
&& _.isString(command.temp_id)
&& _.isString(command.uuid);
}, "Not the same!"), sinon.match.func);