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ArcMap 10.2 Geoprocessing overwrite

I have an locations shapefile that I am trying to overwrite. I have enabled the geoprocessing options to overwrite all geoprocessing operations. I opened the analysis tool that I created the original locations shapefile from and tried to rerun the tool with the same input and output. I am receiving two errors, 1, Warning 000725, indicating that the output files already exist and 1 Error 000723, indicating that the input files in my table of contents does not exist or is not supported. Any thoughts?


  • There are many possible causes for the second warning about input not existing; maybe you could provide more information.

    I am familiar with the first warning about output already existing. This is often because the environment setting "env.overwriteOutput" is not working properly. The typical work-around is for your script to check for the existence of your output and to delete the output if it exists before generating new output. Here is a simple example involving creating a backup of a feature class:

    import os
    import arcpy as a
    from arcpy import env
    fc = "name_of_your_feature_class"
    fc_dir = r"path_to_your_feature_class"
    out_dir = r"directory_to_copy_feature_class_to"
    env.workspace = fc_dir
    env.overwriteOutput = True
    in_fc = os.path.join(fc_dir, fc)
    out_fc = fc + "_backup"
        a.FeatureClassToFeatureClass_conversion(in_fc, out_dir, out_fc)
    except a.ExecuteError: #In case env.overwriteOutput does not work
        print "env.overwriteOutput malfunctioning: attempting work-around..."
            if a.Exists(out_fc):
                a.FeatureClassToFeatureClass_conversion(in_fc, out_dir, out_fc)
                print "Work-around complete."
        except Exception as e:
            print "Work-around failed."
            print e

    I hope this helps!
