I have an locations shapefile that I am trying to overwrite. I have enabled the geoprocessing options to overwrite all geoprocessing operations. I opened the analysis tool that I created the original locations shapefile from and tried to rerun the tool with the same input and output. I am receiving two errors, 1, Warning 000725, indicating that the output files already exist and 1 Error 000723, indicating that the input files in my table of contents does not exist or is not supported. Any thoughts?
There are many possible causes for the second warning about input not existing; maybe you could provide more information.
I am familiar with the first warning about output already existing. This is often because the environment setting "env.overwriteOutput" is not working properly. The typical work-around is for your script to check for the existence of your output and to delete the output if it exists before generating new output. Here is a simple example involving creating a backup of a feature class:
import os
import arcpy as a
from arcpy import env
fc = "name_of_your_feature_class"
fc_dir = r"path_to_your_feature_class"
out_dir = r"directory_to_copy_feature_class_to"
env.workspace = fc_dir
env.overwriteOutput = True
in_fc = os.path.join(fc_dir, fc)
out_fc = fc + "_backup"
a.FeatureClassToFeatureClass_conversion(in_fc, out_dir, out_fc)
except a.ExecuteError: #In case env.overwriteOutput does not work
print "env.overwriteOutput malfunctioning: attempting work-around..."
if a.Exists(out_fc):
a.FeatureClassToFeatureClass_conversion(in_fc, out_dir, out_fc)
print "Work-around complete."
except Exception as e:
print "Work-around failed."
print e
I hope this helps!