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SVN Equivalent of CVS -kv Keyword Option

In CVS, I could checkout files with the a cvs checkout -kv which would replace keywords with their expanded values. For example, what would otherwise be $Id: 1.23$ is simply 1.23 in the checked out version when using -kv.

In one very specific use case, I found this handy.

Since migrating our repositories to SVN, I haven't been able to find an equivalent.

Is there one?

I'm aware of the svn propset svn:keywords "Id" file.txt command required to enable the keywords, but this is about replacing the name + value of the keyword with just the value.


  • No, this is not supported as of Subversion 1.8. I guess that you might want to report this as a feature request to Subversion community. I suggest trying users@ Subversion mailing list first.

    "Apache Subversion Mailing Lists":