I'm currently using the One Drive Android API available here:
I am able to successfully perform OAuth to give permissions to my application.
However, I am unable to make use of the API moving forward. I keep receiving 401 permission denied errors.
public static final List<String> SCOPES = Arrays.asList("wl.signin", "onedrive.readwrite");
mAuthClient = new AuthClient(this, OneDriveOAuthConfig.getInstance(), OneDriveController.ONEDRIVE_CLIENT_ID);
mAuthClient.login(this, OneDriveController.SCOPES, mAuthListener);
The above works, but I cannot use the following later
public void setAuthClient()
if (mAuthClient == null)
mAuthClient = new AuthClient(getContext(), OneDriveOAuthConfig.getInstance(), ONEDRIVE_CLIENT_ID);
mAuthClient.initialize(SCOPES, mAuthListener, null, mAccount.getToken());
AuthListener mAuthListener = new AuthListener() {
public void onAuthComplete(AuthStatus status, AuthSession session, Object userState) {
public void onAuthError(AuthException exception, Object userState) {
* Get an instance of the OneDrive service
* @return The OneDrive Service
synchronized IOneDriveService getOneDriveService() {
if (mODConnection == null) {
final ODConnection connection = new ODConnection(mAuthClient);
mODConnection = connection.getService();
return mODConnection;
public double getRemainingSpace() {
getOneDriveService().getDrive(new Callback<Drive>() {
public void success(Drive drive, Response response) {
remaining_space = drive.Quota.Remaining.doubleValue();
public void failure(RetrofitError error) {
return remaining_space;
How exactly can I get the API to do what I want to do?
I didn't go through your code but here is what works for me:
In my setup activity:
AuthClient authClient = AuthClientFactory.getAuthClient(this);
Arrays.asList("wl.signin", "wl.offline_access", "onedrive.readwrite"),
new AuthListener() {
public void onAuthComplete(AuthStatus status, AuthSession session, Object userState) {
Log.d(TAG, "authorized " + status);
if (status == AuthStatus.CONNECTED) {
// you're good
} else {
Log.e(TAG, "bad status " + status.name());
// handle error
public void onAuthError(AuthException exception, Object userState) {
Log.e(TAG, "failed", exception);
// handle error
Using / consuming the API somewhere else:
authClient = AuthClientFactory.getAuthClient(context);
authClient.initialize(new AuthListener() {
public void onAuthComplete(AuthStatus status, AuthSession session, Object userState) {
public void onAuthError(AuthException exception, Object userState) {
Log.e(TAG, "connect failed", exception);
final IOneDriveService service = OneDriveServiceFactory.getService(authClient);
service.yourRetrofitInterfaceFunctionHere(yourParamsHere, new Callback<YourCallbackTypeHere>() {
public void success(Item item, Response response) {
public void failure(RetrofitError error) {
And my factory (you can also inline this code):
package ****;
import android.content.Context;
import ***.OneDriveOAuthConfig;
public class AuthClientFactory {
private static AuthClient authClient;
public static AuthClient getAuthClient(Context context) {
if (authClient == null)
authClient = new AuthClient(context, OneDriveOAuthConfig.getInstance(), "YOUR CLIENT ID");
return authClient;