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emacs indentation face in command line

I'm editing python code using emacs, elpy and magit. When starting emacs using the -nw option (from bash and gnome-terminal in gnome 3). When started this way, emacs highlight the indented blocks of code using a black background single character; when using a graphic display (without the -nw option), the same character is a light gray. Please check out the two attached screenshots:

in graphical mode

in terminal

Is there a way to modify the darkness of the face in order make it less prominent?


  • I found a solutions that works. I'm not sure if it's the best one: if anybody knows a better way to do this, please comment!

    In short:

    1. Place the cursor on the indented block;
    2. M-x customize-face;
    3. Select the default value (highlight-indentation-face);
    4. Select Show all (the face inherit from fringes);
    5. Tick Background (this will overwrite the fringe background color);
    6. Choose the white color (which is aliased to #e5e5e5)
    7. Press Apply and Save

    The last step will write few lines to the ~/.emacs file (on linux) to preserve the customization values. In my system, the lines that were added are:

      '(highlight-indentation-face ((t (:inherit fringe :background "white")))))