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Symfony DomCrawler. Filter condition

I have this script in Symfony 2:

use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller;
use Symfony\Component\DomCrawler\Crawler;

class MyController extends Controller
foreach($crawler->filter('[type="text/css"]') as $content){
/* make things */
foreach($crawler->filter('[rel="stylesheet"]') as $content){
/* make things */

¿can $crawler->filter accept various conditions and do it in one foreach? For example:

foreach($crawler->filter('[rel="stylesheet"] OR [type="text/css"]') as $content){
/* make things */


  • The filter function takes a standard CSS selector, so:

    foreach ($crawler->filter('[rel="stylesheet"],[type="text/css"]') as $content) {
       /* make things */

    Should do the job.