I am trying to pack all my dlls into XLL using the ExcelDNApack.exe, for this I am using below command and its generating pack xll file for me.
"$(TargetDir)ExcelTrader-AddIn.dna" /Y
But when I am running the xll file from the folder where I dont have dependent dlls its throwing an exception "An Exception occured while calling function OnLoad". The exception message is Could not load file or assembly 'OpenApiSecurityLib, version=,Culture=neutral,PublicKeyToken=null'
I have a main project ExcelTrader.dll which references OpenAPISecurityLib.dll and OpenAPIClientLib.dll, I have added Reference attribute in the dna file for both these dlls and dependencies and added ExternalLibrary attribute for ExcelTrader.dll
If I put both OpenAPISecurityLib.dll and OpenAPIClientLib.dll in the same folder as xll file, XLL file runs perfectly fine
Please suggest what is that I am doing wrong here Thanks
<DnaLibrary Name="ExcelTrader Add-In" RuntimeVersion="v4.0">
<Reference Path="Newtonsoft.Json.dll" Pack="true" />
<Reference Path="NLog.dll" Pack="true" />
<Reference Path="Microsoft.Practices.Unity.Configuration.dll" Pack="true" />
<Reference Path="Microsoft.Practices.Unity.dll" Pack="true" />
<Reference Path="Microsoft.Practices.Unity.RegistrationByConvention.dll" Pack="true" />
<Reference Path="Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.Client.dll" Pack="true" />
<Reference Path="System.Threading.Tasks.Dataflow.dll" Pack="true" />
<Reference Path="System.Net.Http.Formatting.dll" Pack="true"/>
<Reference Path="OpenApiClientLib.dll" Pack="true" />
<Reference Path="OpenApiSecurityLib.dll" Pack="true" />
<ExternalLibrary Path="ExcelTrader.dll" Pack="true" />
<!-- Some images that can be used in the Ribbon ui -->
<Image Name="Login" Path="Images\Login.gif" Pack="true" />
<Image Name="LogOut" Path="Images\LogOut.png" Pack="true" />
<customUI xmlns='http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/2006/01/customui' loadImage='LoadImage' onLoad='OnLoad'>
<tab id='CustomTab' label='Excel Trader'>
<group id='loginCtrl' label='Login Control'>
<button id='btnLogin' label='Login' getEnabled='GetEnabled' image='Login' size='large' onAction='OnLogin' />
<button id='btnLogOut' label='LogOut' image='LogOut' size='large' onAction='OnLogOut' />
</group >
My issue got resolved I checked that in the output 'Reference with Path: System.Threading.Tasks.Dataflow.dll and Name: not found.' after this exception rest of the references were getting ignored.
I checked that the dll reference for which the error was coming is no more in use in our project after removing reference for this dll everything worked fine.