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UART - wrong symbols on PC

  1. I'm writing a simple program to transmit data from the MCU to the PC.
  2. I'm using FTDI cable to achieve that.
  3. Data that I'm sending is string digits from 0 to 9 (0x30 to 0x39 as ascii codes).
  4. Both the MCU and the PC terminal are configured to 9600 kbps, 8 bits, no parity, no flow control, one stop bit.
  5. When the data transferred from the MCU to the PC - symbols are wrong.
  6. When TX and RX lines of the MCU are both connected to each other - I can see, that all symbols that were sent, were received by the MCU.
  7. When TX and RX lines of the FTDI cable (connected to the PC) are connected to each other - all symbols that were sent from the PC terminal were received by the PC.

I cannot understand what can be wrong in sending data from the MCU to the PC.

Please, help!


  • The solution is more simple than I thought. For my previous applications I used the ATC-810 cable (USB-to-UART, FT232BL chip). At the past it worked, but now for some reason it doesn't works. New drivers from FTDI, may be... When I took the TTL-232R-3V3 cable - all data that I'm sending from the MCU I'm receiving on the PC!

    Thanks a lot for trying to help!!