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Object from JSON with Mantle: ignore a property

My app creates some ObJC objects from JSON. Things were working fine, until I added a new property to my ObjC model class, which doesn't have a counterpart in JSON.

I've configured the mapping as follows:

+ (NSDictionary *)JSONKeyPathsByPropertyKey
    return @{
             @"firstName"                   : @"firstname",
             @"middleName"                  : @"middlename",
             @"lastName"                    : @"lastname",
             // etc.
             @"phoneNumber"                 : NSNull.null // no JSON data for this one

However I get an assertion failure in Mantle, in MTLJSONAdapter initWithModelClass: "phoneNumber must either map to a JSON key path or a JSON array of key paths, got: null."

This is how I create the model object:

MyData *myData = [MTLJSONAdapter modelOfClass:[MyData class] 
                           fromJSONDictionary:json error:&error];

How can I have the phoneNumber property in the data class without it mapping to a JSON value?


  • Just don't specify its mapping to + JSONKeyPathsByPropertyKey.