I am querying a firebird database with a relatively complicated query that takes a while to execute and thought that it would be helpful if the user could get some form of feedback regarding the progress of the query. I intend to display a suitable 'please wait' message on a status bar when the query is started and clear the status bar when the query returns its data.
I am using a TSQLDataSet, TDataSetProvider and TClientDataSet; which event will fire in which component to say that the query has finished and that the data is ready to be displayed?
TIA, No'am
In retrospect, I'm sorry I posted this question as the answer was remarkably easy and has nothing to do with events. Here is my simple solution.
statusbar1.simpletext:= 'Opening query';
statusbar1.simpletext:= '';
When the query returns with its data, program control moves to the statement after the query open, which clears the statusbar.
I apologise to those who answered.