In Roku BrightScript, is there any way to use the star icon on the info button on the Roku remote control in the breadcrumb at the top right of the roGridScreen? The intention is to indicate to users that they can press the info button to access a settings view.
The closest I've gotten is by using the * text string (gridScreen.SetBreadcrumbText("Settings *", "")
), but that doesn't look nearly as convincing as the icon in Roku's own Home interface to the right of the word "Options".
A way to use a custom image in the breadcrumb would do the trick or perhaps a character code for use with Chr()
Try U+272A (Circled white star), though i doubt they have that exact one in the font.
You can probably show something in the corner by using clever overhang graphic.
Third idea: i think RokuCo have added star-in-square somewhere in their font; it just draws so much like the rest of the crumb text. So try what shows for... well, most of Unicode till you find it?