Search code examples

Add extra result to Association Collection Proxy result

I have two models,

class User < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_many :posts

class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
  belongs_to: user

I'm using formtastic gem, consider in edit action of users_controller. All required user and associated posts attributes of the form will be prefilled by formtastic form


<%= semantic_form_for @user do |f| %>

  <%= f.input :name %>

  <%= f.inputs :posts do |p| %>
    <%= p.input :title %>
    <%= p.input :comment %>
  <% end %>

<% end %>

For instance i'm having a @user and two posts associated. while doing @user.posts, the result be like.

  [0] #<Post:0x0000000aa53a20> {
                   :id => 3,               
                :title => 'Hello World',
              :comment => 'Long text comes here'
  [1] #<Post:0x0000000aa53a41> {
                   :id => 5,               
                :title => 'Hello World 2',
              :comment => 'Long text comes here too'

So the form will contain two posts field to edit.

Actually, I want another blank post form before those two posts.

This can be easy achieved by inserting a new empty post object to @object.posts result at 0th position.

So, the @object.posts result i want should exactly look like,

      [0] #<Post:0x0000000aa53a50> {
                       :id => nil,               
                    :title => nil,
                  :comment => nil
      [1] #<Post:0x0000000aa53a20> {
                       :id => 3,               
                    :title => 'Hello World',
                  :comment => 'Long text comes here'
      [2] #<Post:0x0000000aa53a41> {
                       :id => 5,               
                    :title => 'Hello World 2',
                  :comment => 'Long text comes here too'

Any solutions to get this structure from @user.posts?


  • Inside the #edit action do something like :

    def edit
      #... your code
      @user.posts <<