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Return a result after ajax call

I've been trying to write a small function using ajax but I'm really struggling with how to return the result. I've seen some examples on here but I've not managed to apply them to my code...

//function to detect bespoke page
function PageR(iURL) {
  var theLink;
      url: './BSK_'+iURL+'.php', //look to see if bespoke page exists
      success: function(data){
        theLink = ('./BSK_'+iURL+'.php'); //if it does display that page
      error: function(data){
          theLink = ('./'+iURL+'.php'); //if it doesn't display the standard page

    }); //end $.ajax
    return theLink;

I want to be able to return theLinkto store it as a variable to do something like the below...

function Nav() {
  var theLink = PageR(nav_newCust);

Please help!!


  • Why don't you try something like this:

    //function to detect bespoke page
    function PageR(iURL, callback) {
      var theLink;
          url: './BSK_'+iURL+'.php', //look to see if bespoke page exists
          success: function(data){
            theLink = ('./BSK_'+iURL+'.php'); //if it does display that page
          error: function(data){
              theLink = ('./'+iURL+'.php'); //if it doesn't display the standard page
          complete: function(){
        }); //end $.ajax
    function Nav() {
      PageR(nav_newCust, $.mobile.changePage);