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Pocketsphinx acoustic model creating issue with sphinx_fe command

Now I have some trouble with acoustic model building I use a ubuntu 14.04 on virtual box to test run pocketsphinx and train my acoustic model using sphinxtrain. Do I need to convert my .wav files to .mfc first and then run "sphinxtrain run" command? I did following steps,

  1. Run "sphinxtrain run" command
  2. Run sphinx_fe -i Anuradha-eight.wav -o file.mfc -argfile etc/feat.params in order to convert .wav to .mfc

Both tries failed. Output and Log files can be seen HERE


  • Do I need to convert my .wav files to .mfc first and then run "sphinxtrain run" command? I


    Output and Log files can be seen HERE

     Failed to open /home/anuradha/Desktop/Workspace/sinhala/wav/Chathuri/chathuri-amma.wav: No such file or directory

    Log says that the file is missing in the path it should be placed at.