I am trying to create a custom UIRefreshControl animation that shows my company logo. So far I am able to start an animation when refreshing and stopping when it is not refreshing.
What I want is to have control over the draginEvent of UIRefreshControl and make the logo do something as the UIRefreshControl is dragged down(increase the image alpha or something like it).
I know there has to be a handle to the dragging distance, but I can't find anything I can use to get this value. Can someone help me please.
this is my code so far.
public sealed class FormsUIRefreshControl : UIRefreshControl
UIImageView animatedCircleImage;
nfloat visibility = 0.0f;
public FormsUIRefreshControl()
this.ValueChanged += (object sender, EventArgs e) =>
var command = RefreshCommand;
if(command == null)
BackgroundColor = UIColor.Clear;
//Alpha = (nfloat)0.30;
animatedCircleImage = new UIImageView(new UIImage("loadingLogo.png"));
animatedCircleImage.Frame = new RectangleF(110, 10, 100, 50);
animatedCircleImage.BackgroundColor = UIColor.Blue;
animatedCircleImage.AnimationImages = new UIImage[] {
UIImage.FromBundle ("loadingLogo.png")
, UIImage.FromBundle ("loadingLogo1.png")
, UIImage.FromBundle ("loadingLogo2.png")
, UIImage.FromBundle ("loadingLogo3.png")
, UIImage.FromBundle ("loadingLogo4.png")
, UIImage.FromBundle ("loadingLogo5.png")
, UIImage.FromBundle ("loadingLogo6.png")
, UIImage.FromBundle ("loadingLogo7.png")
animatedCircleImage.AnimationRepeatCount = 0;
animatedCircleImage.AnimationDuration = .5;
AddSubview (animatedCircleImage);
//ClipsToBounds = true;
TintColor = UIColor.Clear;
public override void BeginRefreshing ()
base.BeginRefreshing ();
animatedCircleImage.StartAnimating ();
public override void EndRefreshing ()
base.EndRefreshing ();
animatedCircleImage.StopAnimating ();
You need scrollViewDidScroll. But this works on the class that uses the TableView/TableViewController. Maybe you can call a public animation method for your FormsUIRefreshControl from here using the contentOffset. In Objective C:
- (void)scrollViewDidScroll:(UIScrollView *)scrollView
NSLog(@"Y Offset: %f", scrollView.contentOffset.y);