I am new to rabbitmq and am trying the following scenario
--> producer sends message
--> consumer receives the message
-- Execute my own logic
if the logic fails - requeue
--> requeue the message if the consumer fails(machine goes down)
I have implemented the basic sender using Spring rabbitTemplate
and for consumer i implemented a message listener
public class CustomMessageListener implements MessageListener {
public void onMessage(Message message) {
//** my own logic**
and added it to the container through spring
<bean id="aListener" class="com.sample.CustomMessageListener" autowire="byName"/>
<rabbit:listener-container id="myListenerContainer" connection-factory="connectionFactory" acknowledge="auto" prefetch="750" concurrency="5" >
<rabbit:listener ref="aListener" queues="reportQueue"/>
Its working fine till this part.
now if ** my own logic** mentioned in the listener fails. i want to requeue the message. how can i implement this. From the blogs that i have gone through it looks like returnedMessage needs to overridden. But am not sure how it can be done through listener.
With acknowledge="auto"
, the message won't be ack'd until the listener exits normally, so there's nothing extra that you need to do; if your listener throws an exception or the server crashes, the message will remain in the queue.