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AngularJs+TypeScript:-How to get the selected index value in ng-select

I m working on module where I have check a condition for the visibility of a panel as if slected index of a dropdown is not equal to 0 or -1 than it will make visible to my panel else it will not. I am bit confused as how to get the selected index value of my dropdown using ng-select. I have shown my dropdown code below:-

 <div data-ng-app="CustomerNew" data-ng-controller="CreateCustomerCtrl as custom"  ng-init= getFormData(); >
     <select id="accountselector" style="width: 100%;">
     <option value="0">--- Select an option ---</option>
    <option data-ng-repeat="acnt in listAccountTypes" value="{{}}">{{acnt}}</option>

Here is my typescript controller

/// <reference path="../interface/interface.ts" />
/// <reference path="../../scripts/typings/jquery/jquery.d.ts" />
/// <reference path="../../scripts/typings/angularjs/angular.d.ts" />

module CustomerNew.controllers {
    export class CreateCustomerCtrl {
        static $inject = ['$scope', '$http', '$templateCache'];
        constructor(protected $scope: ICustomerScope,
            protected $http: ng.IHttpService,
            protected $templateCache: ng.ITemplateCacheService) {
            $scope.getFormData = this.getFormData;
           public getFormData = (getFormData: any) => {
                success((data, status, headers, config) => {
                this.$scope.listAccountTypes = data["AccountCodesDisplayTypes"];
                error((data, status) => {
                console.log("In Error:-Request Failed");
    var customerapp = angular.module("CustomerNew", []);
      .controller('CreateCustomerCtrl', CustomerNew.controllers.CreateCustomerCtrl);
    var doAccountTypeUrl = '/API/Create/GetLoadData';

Condition Which i have to check:

if (listAccountTypes.SelectedIndex > -1 && listAccountTypes.SelectedValue != "0")
 IntlCountryAddres objIntlCountryAddres = objIntlCountryAddressController.GetByCountryId(Convert.ToInt32(listAccountTypes.SelectedValue));
 if (objIntlCountryAddres != null && > 0)
       pnlBillingCountry.Visible = true;
      pnlBillingCountry.Visible = false;

Note:-I am checking this condition on page load I am getting data in below format:- enter image description here


  • Don't have the option inline:

    <select id="accountselector" style="width: 100%;">
     <option value="0">--- Select an option ---</option>

    Instead use ng-options and ng-model:

    <select id="accountselector" style="width: 100%;" ng-options="check docs" ng-model="check docs"></select>

    Check the docs :