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Grails shell not functional in Grails 3.0.2?

Grails now builds using gradle --which is great-- but a side effect seems to be the shell no longer works? When I run

 $ grails shell

It doesn't appear to allow me to type any input, and cursor is stuck on grade's building line.

Groovy Shell (2.4.3, JVM: 1.8.0_45)
Type ':help' or ':h' for help.
> Building 83% > :shell

I've had this problem trying to make interactive groovy scripts that build in gradle - is there a workaround?


  • Grails inherited this bug from springboot. It is now fixed and will be packed in grails 3.03 probably. Till then I would recommend using grails console instead. It will open a swing UI and will have same environment as grails shell.