I would need to extract the $subj as seen below snippet, but looks like my Regex isn't working as expected. This is actually similar with this: How to string manipulate/extract subject contents in a CSR using OpenSSL command + Perl? but with a different subject entry in the CSR. I'm not sure if I did a good thing in my regex for the %subjinfo
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
my $subj =
'subject=/O=test~@#$^()_+-=\{}|;':",./<>/OU=test~@#$^()_+-=\{}|;':",./<>/emailAddress=test~@#$^()_+-=\{}|;':",./<>/L=CDE/ST=ABC/C=AU/CN=test~@#$^()_+ -=\{}|;':",./<>';
my %subjinfo = ( $subj =~ m,(\w+)=([^=]*)(?:/|$),g );
print Dumper \%subjinfo;
and so must give a result to this:
$VAR1 = {
'subject' => '',
'L' => 'NYC',
'C' => 'AMER',
'OU' => 'test~@#$^()_+-=\{}|;':",./<>',
'emailAddress' => 'test~@#$^()_+-=\{}|;':",./<>',
'ST' => 'AMER',
'CN' => 'test~@#$^()_+-=\{}|;':",./<>',
'O' => 'test~@#$^()_+-=\{}|;':",./<>'
Is that possible? Can you advise?
Splitting on regex looks more natural than regex only solution,
use Data::Dumper;
my $subj = q(subject=/O=test~@#$^()_+-=\{}|;':",./<>/OU=test~@#$^()_+-=\{}|;':",./<>/emailAddress=test~@#$^()_+-=\{}|;':",./<>/L=CDE/ST=ABC/C=AU/CN=test~@#$^()_+ -=\{}|;':",./<>);
(undef, my %subjinfo) = split m|/?(\w+)=|, $subj;
print Dumper \%subjinfo;
$VAR1 = {
'emailAddress' => 'test~@#$^()_+-=\\{}|;\':",./<>',
'CN' => 'test~@#$^()_+ -=\\{}|;\':",./<>',
'OU' => 'test~@#$^()_+-=\\{}|;\':",./<>',
'L' => 'CDE',
'C' => 'AU',
'ST' => 'ABC',
'subject' => '',
'O' => 'test~@#$^()_+-=\\{}|;\':",./<>'