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Cant Save relational Entities in breezejs

I have two entities created through manager.createEntity(type);.. z-validate wont display validation errors if i try to create them otherwise ..entity orderdetails must have a valid key from order. and later...

...  //changed some stuff but never keys
orderdetails.Time = new Date();    
orderdetails.order = order;          //am i creating the relation right here?

The app will work great offline but when i save changes to the server..


The sever is returning

...orderdetails","KeyValues":["fd...28"],"PropertyName":"order",ErrorMessage":"The order field is required."

Any idea how i can go through this? i have been reading documentations for days.

Metadata looks like this

    "schema": {
        "namespace": "Inventory.API",
        "alias": "Self",
        "annotation:UseStrongSpatialTypes": "false",
        "xmlns:annotation": "",
        "xmlns:customannotation": "",
        "xmlns": "",
        "cSpaceOSpaceMapping": "[\"Inventory.API.Order\",\"Inventory.API.Entities.Order\"],[\"Inventory.API.OrderDetail\",\"Inventory.API.Entities.OrderDetail\"],[\"Inventory.API.DifferentDetail\",\"Inventory.API.Entities.DifferentDetail\"]",
        "entityType": [ {
            "name": "Order",
            "customannotation:ClrType": "Inventory.API.Entities.Order, Inventory.API, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null",
            "key": {
                "propertyRef": {
                    "name": "Id"
            "property": [{
                "name": "Id",
                "type": "Edm.Guid",
                "nullable": "false",
                "annotation:StoreGeneratedPattern": "Identity"
            }, {
                "name": "BarCode",
                "type": "Edm.String",
                "maxLength": "Max",
                "fixedLength": "false",
                "unicode": "true"
            }, {
                "name": "Name",
                "type": "Edm.String",
                "maxLength": "Max",
                "fixedLength": "false",
                "unicode": "true"
            }, {
                "name": "UnitPrice",
                "type": "Edm.Decimal",
                "precision": "18",
                "scale": "2",
                "nullable": "false"
            }, {
                "name": "Count",
                "type": "Edm.Decimal",
                "precision": "18",
                "scale": "2",
                "nullable": "false"
            "navigationProperty": [{
                "name": "OrderDetails",
                "relationship": "Self.OrderDetail_Order",
                "fromRole": "OrderDetail_Order_Target",
                "toRole": "OrderDetail_Order_Source"
            }, {
                "name": "DifferentDetails",
                "relationship": "Self.DifferentDetail_Order",
                "fromRole": "DifferentDetail_Order_Target",
                "toRole": "DifferentDetail_Order_Source"
        }, {
            "name": "OrderDetail",
            "customannotation:ClrType": "Inventory.API.Entities.OrderDetail, Inventory.API, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null",
            "key": {
                "propertyRef": {
                    "name": "Id"
            "property": [{
                "name": "Id",
                "type": "Edm.Guid",
                "nullable": "false",
                "annotation:StoreGeneratedPattern": "Identity"
            }, {
                "name": "Time",
                "type": "Edm.DateTime",
                "nullable": "false"
            }, {
                "name": "UnitPrice",
                "type": "Edm.Decimal",
                "precision": "18",
                "scale": "2",
                "nullable": "false"
            }, {
                "name": "Count",
                "type": "Edm.Decimal",
                "precision": "18",
                "scale": "2",
                "nullable": "false"
            }, {
                "name": "TotalPrice",
                "type": "Edm.Decimal",
                "precision": "18",
                "scale": "2",
                "nullable": "false"
            "navigationProperty": {
                "name": "Order",
                "relationship": "Self.OrderDetail_Order",
                "fromRole": "OrderDetail_Order_Source",
                "toRole": "OrderDetail_Order_Target"
        }, {
            "name": "DifferentDetail",
            "customannotation:ClrType": "Inventory.API.Entities.DifferentDetail, Inventory.API, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null",
            "key": {
                "propertyRef": {
                    "name": "Id"
            "property": [{
                "name": "Id",
                "type": "Edm.Guid",
                "nullable": "false",
                "annotation:StoreGeneratedPattern": "Identity"
            }, {
                "name": "Time",
                "type": "Edm.DateTime",
                "nullable": "false"
            }, {
                "name": "UnitPrice",
                "type": "Edm.Decimal",
                "precision": "18",
                "scale": "2",
                "nullable": "false"
            }, {
                "name": "Count",
                "type": "Edm.Decimal",
                "precision": "18",
                "scale": "2",
                "nullable": "false"
            }, {
                "name": "TotalPrice",
                "type": "Edm.Decimal",
                "precision": "18",
                "scale": "2",
                "nullable": "false"
            "navigationProperty": {
                "name": "Order",
                "relationship": "Self.DifferentDetail_Order",
                "fromRole": "DifferentDetail_Order_Source",
                "toRole": "DifferentDetail_Order_Target"
        "entityContainer": {
            "name": "InventoryContext",
            "customannotation:UseClrTypes": "true",
            "entitySet": [{
                "name": "Orders",
                "entityType": "Self.Order"
            }, {
                "name": "OrderDetails",
                "entityType": "Self.OrderDetail"
            }, {
                "name": "DifferentDetails",
                "entityType": "Self.DifferentDetail"
            "associationSet": [{
                "name": "OrderDetail_Order",
                "association": "Self.OrderDetail_Order",
                "end": [{
                    "role": "OrderDetail_Order_Source",
                    "entitySet": "OrderDetails"
                }, {
                    "role": "OrderDetail_Order_Target",
                    "entitySet": "Orders"
            }, {
                "name": "DifferentDetail_Order",
                "association": "Self.DifferentDetail_Order",
                "end": [{
                    "role": "DifferentDetail_Order_Source",
                    "entitySet": "DifferentDetails"
                }, {
                    "role": "DifferentDetail_Order_Target",
                    "entitySet": "Orders"


  • You need to map the orderId foreign key property of the OrderDetail and DifferentDetail entities. When Breeze sends the entities to the server, it communicates the relationship between entities using the foreign keys.