I am trying to create a table with a select statement and that doesn't require me to set column types. However i need the column percent
to be a float but what i am getting are 0 and 1s. How do i set that column as a float or decimal?
create table C as(
select a.pid, b.date,
((select a.count(cost) where cost > '10')/(select a.count(cost))) AS percent
from A a join B b
on a.pid = b.pid
group by 1,2,3);
my output is something like below but i need it the third col to be a float:
pid date percent
1 2015-01-01 1
2 2015-04-03 0
How about:
create table C as(
select a.pid, b.date,
((select a.count(cost)*1.000 where cost > '10')/(select a.count(cost))) AS percent
from A a join B b
on a.pid = b.pid
group by 1,2,3);
Edit: nevermind the above
The following was tested and appears happy as a float.
create table i1
h varchar(10),
g varchar(10)
insert i1 (h,g) values ('a','b'),('a','b');
-- drop table c;
create table c (percent float not null) as
select h,count(*) as percent from i1
describe c;