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paintComponent called multiple times with overlapping components

I have several JPanels layered on top of each other inside a parent JPanel. When I invoke repaint() on one of them, all of them repaint as many times as there are layers. This grows quadratic! For 3 panels I see 3 redraws in each, which is 9 redraws. With 5 panels there are 25 redraws.

I found out that for overlapping components, I should override isOptimizedDrawingEnabled() in the parent and return false. Or use a JLayeredPane as the parent. I tried both, and the results were the same.

What is causing this?

How can I stop my panels from repainting multiple times?

Edit: SSCCE/MCVE as follows:

public class JPanelTest extends JPanel {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
                new JPanelTest();

    public JPanelTest() {
        setLayout(new OverlayLayout(this));

        JFrame f = new JFrame(getClass().getSimpleName());
        f.setSize(600, 600);

        final Model model = new Model();

        this.add(new MyPanel(model));
        this.add(new MyPanel(model));
        this.add(new MyPanel(model));
        this.add(new MyPanel(model));
        this.add(new MyPanel(model));


        addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() {
            public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent ex) {
                model.setColor(new Color((int)ex.getWhen()));

    public boolean isOptimizedDrawingEnabled() {
        return false;

// My own containers/listeners/events are larger, so this is shorter for SSCCE/MCVE.
class Model extends PropertyChangeSupport {
    Color color = Color.BLACK;

    public Model() {

    public void setColor(Color color) {
        this.color = color;
        firePropertyChange("color", null /* meh */, color);

class MyPanel extends JPanel implements PropertyChangeListener {
    static int  instanceCounter = 0;
    int         repaintCounter  = 0;
    final int   instance;

    private Model model;

    public MyPanel(Model model) {
        instance = ++instanceCounter;

        this.model = model;

    protected void paintComponent(Graphics g) {

        g.drawString("panel " + instance + ", repaint " + ++repaintCounter, 1, instance * 15);

    public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) {
        System.out.println("panel " + instance + ": Value is now " + evt.getNewValue());

Some extra notes: I noticed that for the panels to each repaint multiple times, I have to call repaint() multiple times. However, when all panels are side-by-side (not overlapping), they are all repainted ONCE.


  • What is causing this?

    I'm guessing the cause is because all the panels are non-opaque.

    When painting a non-opaque component the RepaintManager must find the first opaque parent and then paint the parent and all the children. This happens 5 times so you get 25 redraws.

    In your simple example you could change the code in your propertyChanged(...) method:


    Now 5 repaint requests will be made on the parent container instead of the individual panels. The RepaintManager will combine these requests in to a single request and then the panel and its 5 children will be painted once.