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Cannot use Max with Count in SQL*Plus

this is my sql statement i get this error. but when i use only Max to single and without displaying other results it works. can someone help me

SELECT cat.CategoryName,sb.SubCategoryName,MAX((COUNT(bs.BookID))) 
  Category cat,SubCategory sb, Book_Subcategory bs 
WHERE cat.CategoryID = sb.CategoryID AND sb.SubCategoryID = bs.SubCategoryID 
GROUP BY cat.CategoryName, sb.SubCategoryName, bs.BookID;

ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00937: not a single-group group function

Can someone help me?


  • SQL does not allow aggregates of aggregates directly.

    However, if you write the inner aggregate in a sub-query in the FROM clause (or use a WITH clause and a Common Table Expression, CTE), you can achieve the result:

    SELECT gc1.CategoryName, gc1.SubCategoryName, gc1.BookCount
      FROM (SELECT cat.CategoryName, sb.SubCategoryName,
                   COUNT(bs.BookID) AS BookCount
              FROM Category AS cat
              JOIN SubCategory AS sb ON cat.CategoryID = sb.CategoryID
              JOIN Book_Subcategory AS bs ON sb.SubCategoryID = bs.SubCategoryID
             GROUP BY cat.CategoryName, sb.SubCategoryName
           ) AS gc1
     WHERE gc1.BookCount = (SELECT MAX(gc2.BookCount)
                              FROM (SELECT cat.CategoryName, sb.SubCategoryName,
                                           COUNT(bs.BookID) AS BookCount
                                      FROM Category AS cat
                                      JOIN SubCategory AS sb
                                           ON cat.CategoryID = sb.CategoryID
                                      JOIN Book_Subcategory AS bs
                                           ON sb.SubCategoryID = bs.SubCategoryID
                                     GROUP BY cat.CategoryName, sb.SubCategoryName
                                    ) AS gc2

    This is complex because it doesn't use a CTE, and there is a common table expression that must be written out twice.

    Using the CTE form (possibly with syntax errors):

    WITH gc1 AS (SELECT cat.CategoryName, sb.SubCategoryName,
                        COUNT(bs.BookID) AS BookCount
                   FROM Category AS cat
                   JOIN SubCategory AS sb
                        ON cat.CategoryID = sb.CategoryID
                   JOIN Book_Subcategory AS bs
                        ON sb.SubCategoryID = bs.SubCategoryID
                  GROUP BY cat.CategoryName, sb.SubCategoryName
    SELECT gc1.CategoryName, gc1.SubCategoryName, gc1.BookCount
      FROM gc1
     WHERE gc1.BookCount = SELECT MAX(gc1.BookCount) FROM gc1);

    Much tidier!

    You can simulate a CTE with a temporary table if your DBMS makes it easy to create them. For example, IBM Informix Dynamic Server could use:

    SELECT cat.CategoryName, sb.SubCategoryName,
           COUNT(bs.BookID) AS BookCount
      FROM Category AS cat
      JOIN SubCategory AS sb ON cat.CategoryID = sb.CategoryID
      JOIN Book_Subcategory AS bs ON sb.SubCategoryID = bs.SubCategoryID
     GROUP BY cat.CategoryName, sb.SubCategoryName
      INTO TEMP gc1;
    SELECT gc1.CategoryName, gc1.SubCategoryName, gc1.BookCount
      FROM gc1
     WHERE gc1.BookCount = (SELECT MAX(gc1.BookCount) FROM gc1);
    DROP TABLE gc1;  -- Optional: table will be deleted at end of session anyway

    Given the following tables and data, the main query (copied and pasted from this answer) gave the result I expected when run against IBM Informix Dynamic Server 11.50.FC6 on MacOS X 10.6.4, namely:

    Non-Fiction    SQL Theory    4
    Fiction        War           4

    That doesn't prove that it 'must work' when run against Oracle - I don't have Oracle and can't demonstrate either way. It does show that there is at least one SQL DBMS that handles the query without problems. (Since IDS does not support the WITH clause and CTEs, I can't show whether that formulation works.)


    CREATE TABLE Category
        CategoryName VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL
    CREATE TABLE SubCategory
        CategoryID INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES Category,
        SubCategoryName VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL
    CREATE TABLE Book_SubCategory
        SubCategoryID INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES SubCategory,


    INSERT INTO Category VALUES(1, 'Fiction');
    INSERT INTO Category VALUES(2, 'Non-Fiction');
    INSERT INTO SubCategory VALUES(2, 1, 'SQL Theory');
    INSERT INTO SubCategory VALUES(2, 2, 'Mathematics');
    INSERT INTO SubCategory VALUES(1, 3, 'Romance');
    INSERT INTO SubCategory VALUES(1, 4, 'War');
    INSERT INTO Book_SubCategory VALUES(1, 10);
    INSERT INTO Book_SubCategory VALUES(2, 11);
    INSERT INTO Book_SubCategory VALUES(3, 12);
    INSERT INTO Book_SubCategory VALUES(3, 13);
    INSERT INTO Book_SubCategory VALUES(4, 14);
    INSERT INTO Book_SubCategory VALUES(1, 15);
    INSERT INTO Book_SubCategory VALUES(1, 16);
    INSERT INTO Book_SubCategory VALUES(2, 17);
    INSERT INTO Book_SubCategory VALUES(1, 18);
    INSERT INTO Book_SubCategory VALUES(3, 19);
    INSERT INTO Book_SubCategory VALUES(4, 20);
    INSERT INTO Book_SubCategory VALUES(4, 21);
    INSERT INTO Book_SubCategory VALUES(4, 22);