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SPARQL update in Sesame not working

I'm trying to add a triple to my Sesame repository using the SPARQL Update function. The statement is as below:

PREFIX owl: <>
PREFIX xsd: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX foaf: <>
PREFIX dc: <>
PREFIX dbpedia2: <>
PREFIX dbpedia: <>
PREFIX skos: <>
PREFIX my_namespace: <>

INSERT {my_namespace:Rota owl:sameAs ?o}
{my_namespace:Rota owl:sameAs :Rotavirus_vaccine}

The query gets executed but no triples are added to the repository. What do I need to do differently?

This question is different from the one in Sesame repository not being updated using INSERT despite no error. In this question, I am not adding any external data. my_namespace:Rota and :Rotavirus_vaccine (from dbpedia) already exist in the triplestore. I want to assert that my_namespace:Rota is the same entity as :Rotavirus_vaccine so that the former can inherit all the information associated with the latter in dbpedia.


  • Got it! When entering a complete triple (i.e.,without variables), one is supposed to use INSERT DATA instead of INSERT. This is from the SPARQL documentation:

    "The difference between INSERT / DELETE and INSERT DATA / DELETE DATA is that INSERT DATA and DELETE DATA do not take a template and pattern. The DATA forms require concrete data (no named variables). Having specific operations means that a request can be streamed so that large, pure-data, updates can be done." The code is:

    PREFIX my_namespace: <>
    PREFIX owl: <>
    PREFIX : <>
    INSERT DATA {my_namespace:Rota owl:sameAs :Rotavirus_vaccine}