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Emacs 23 and iPython

Is there anyone out there using iPython with emacs 23? The documents on the emacs wiki are a bit of a muddle and I would be interested in hearing from anyone using emacs for Python development. Do you use the download python-mode and ipython.el? What do you recommend?


  • I got it working quite well with emacs 23. The only open issue is the focus not returning to the python buffer after sending the buffer to the iPython interpreter.

    (setq load-path
          (append (list nil
    (setq py-shell-name "ipython")
    (defadvice py-execute-buffer (around python-keep-focus activate)
      "return focus to python code buffer"
      (save-excursion ad-do-it))
    (setenv "PYMACS_PYTHON" "python2.5") 
    (require 'pymacs)
    (pymacs-load "ropemacs" "rope-")
    (provide 'python-programming)